Tax Compliance

Premium Accounting Solution > Tax Compliance

With the rapid development of the economy and technology, tax systems have become more and more complicated. Accounting legislation and standards have been changed frequently, and tax compliance companies are receiving more pressure to collect on tax revenue. While a business must comply with these legislations, knowing how to comply with the rules can be a big challenge for many.

If you’re looking for guidance concerning your company tax compliance and help meeting your tax obligations, we are here for you. Hiring an accounting and tax consultant to help with your corporate tax compliance is the best way for your business to save on time and money. Our team of tax professionals works closely with you to provide advisory services, tailoring our approach to suit your needs and ensuring that your business complies with tax regulations to successfully meet your tax obligations.

Why is complying with tax law important?

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Compliance with tax laws in New Zealand holds significant importance due to its multifaceted impacts. It is legally required by law, and it is a duty that everyone must perform. While there is a common misconception that taxes only line the pockets and salaries of government officials, this is not the case. Adhering to tax and GST regulations ensures funding for vital public services like healthcare and education. Simply put, the money you pay in taxes is returned to the community to help support common resources such as infrastructure construction, policies, and hospitals. This bolsters the economy, attracting foreign investment and fortifying the nation’s global network. It further promotes fairness, as taxes aid in wealth redistribution and support for disadvantaged groups.

If you do not offer voluntary tax compliance, then the government can force you to pay your taxes or enforce penalties, usually in the form of fines and sometimes even jail time. Plus, proper compliance and reporting maintain public trust, underpinning the rule of law and preventing legal repercussions. Effective tax planning aids individuals and businesses in navigating tax authorities while optimising their financial strategies. Ultimately, compliance with tax laws not only sustains essential services and economic stability but also contributes to New Zealand’s reputable international image.

What kind of tax compliance do you need to meet?

Our accounting tax consultants can help with a range of tax compliance services including the following:

  • Income tax compliance
  • GST compliance
  • PAYE compliance
  • Dividend distribution
  • Non-Resident Withholding Tax compliance
  • FBT compliance
  • Business non-active application

Why choose Premium Accounting Solution accountants?

Premium Accounting Solution is your one-stop service for all things tax-related. We can help you develop a comprehensive tax risk management strategy, achieve corporation tax compliance, understand accounting regulations, and obligations, and much more.

While business owners can try to deal with tax management and solve tax compliance issues without the aid of a professional tax expert, it will definitely consume more of your time. Because of how frequently these tax rules have been adapted and changed, tax calculations can be and the process may be confusing and frustrating to manage on your own. With the help and expertise of accounting professionals, you can cut through these complexities, and therefore minimise your exposure to tax risk and meet your tax obligations efficiently.

At Premium Accounting Solution, we have a deep understanding and comprehensive knowledge of these tax rules and obligations. Our team understands the tax compliance issues you’re faced with and will always be the first to know of and adapt to the rapid changes within tax legislation.

Book an appointment with us, talk to us and let us know your business concerns and your business goals. We will gladly work with you and help you to achieve your goals and meet your tax compliance obligations.

Tax Compliance Services

Income Tax Return

Save precious time and money and let our efficient, detail-oriented team file your returns

GST Return

GST is a tax added to the price of most products and services in New Zealand


You need to pay taxes based on your individual income

Dividend Distribution

Dividends are profits allocated to shareholders in proportion to their shares


Non-resident withholding tax is involved in the New Zealand’s tax collection system


FBT is a tax on benefits you provide to your employees

Business Non-active Application

A business should meet certain criteria to be considered a non-active company

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